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PDK: Integrating Technology in   ESL Classrooms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu5_hTT6CnA   
Release Date2010
Plot Summary
Professional Development   Kit (PDK) was funded by the U.S Department of Education in collaboration with   SRI, International, to create professional development tools for adult   educators. Employing case-based instruction in the context of facilitated   adult education teacher professional development, PDK can adult educators   explore and develop their practice in new ways and to investigate new   materials and strategies for instruction. With video case studies of adult   education classrooms; online tools for practitioners to structure their own   cases; resources that include a knowledge database, digests, portfolio, group   discussion and class products; and staff development and user guides; PDK   provides resources and a framework to support participants efforts to generate questions and brainstorm solutions to challenging professional   situations. PDK is available on CD-ROM, and some of its tools may be accessed   online at Literacy.org.
Key words
Adult   education, technology, innovations
Running Time
3,48 minutes
Not applicable
Not applicable
Other interesting information
Maybe a   little ''old'' since technology and its use changes very fast, but useful   nonetheless.
Interest for the project
Contributor´s name + email
Stéphanie Barillé - stephanie@unak.is
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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