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Author(s) + contact information
Katherine Swinney - http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/19311/   
English language provision and community networks: a collaborative study
This   thesis explores how English language provision is connected to the community   in a super-diverse ward in Sheffield, Northern England. The research was   planned and developed in collaboration with English language students in   response to cuts to adult community education. The study examines the   importance of dynamic local networks which linked English language classes to   service provision and engagement with local campaigns and activities. In a   period of cuts to public services the study focused on community education in   Burngreave. The legacy of radical community development work could be seen in   key structures in the area which derived strength from organising and   campaigning. The research was conducted in three stages, firstly 325 questionnaire interviews were conducted in 35 classes, between November 2012   and February 2013, generating baseline data about the student population and   the English language classes. A consideration in the use of a questionnaire   was the diversity and dynamic environment being investigated. The data   collection involved considerable teamwork, multilingual peer support and   collaboration from community members. Graphs, charts and network diagrams   were used to analyse quantitative research data. These visual tools enabled   data driven dialogue amongst participants from super-diverse language   backgrounds. Collaborative analysis of the data with groups of students,   teachers and providers informed the next stage of the research process. This   study challenges the view that community education is peripheral. It is   significant that over 85% of participants in the study are women. The thesis   explores the roles of super-connectors through a series of conversational interviews conducted in June and July 2014 and considers how networks   developed in relation to the English language classes across the area. The   study identifies the importance of local concerns and community knowledge to   develop and sustain appropriate connectors in local networks; these include   the local community newspaper, the Adult Learning Guide and other super-   connectors. The study also considers external links which connect the   provision to city-wide and national sources of funding and support.  
Key words
Other interesting information
This study challenges   the view that community education is peripheral.   It is significant that over 85% of participants in the study are women. The   study identifies the importance of local concerns and community knowledge to   develop and sustain appropriate connectors in local networks; these include   the local community newspaper, the Adult Learning Guide and other super-connectors
Interest for the project
Contributor´s name + email
Stéphanie Barillé - stephanie@unak.is
Co-funded by The Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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